Thursday, May 29, 2008

Five Simple Rules to Beat Hunger

Actually, one rule will do: Lower each meal's overall score on the glycemic index (GI) -- an indication of how quickly a meal drives up your blood sugar -- and you'll feel full longer. The index ranks foods against glucose, a sugar that scores 100. Under 50 is considered low; 50 to 70 is medium; over 70 is high. The foods' scores are in parentheses below; for an expanded list, see The Glucose Revolution Pocket Guide to Losing Weight, written by leading GI researchers.

Be Wary of White
Such as white bread (73), bagels (72), Cream of Wheat (70), doughnuts (76) -- just about anything made with white refined flour. Ditto for high-sugar products such as Pop Tarts (70), colas (65), and sweet cereals (85). Also troublesome are white veggies and grains such as instant rice (72), baguettes (95), french fries (75), baked potatoes (85). Try new potatoes (57) instead. There are exceptions to the white rule, including dairy products (40 or less), and most pasta (40 to 50).

Eat Healthy Fat
Cook with olive and canola oil, snack on nuts, and make sandwiches with cheese, peanut butter or avocados. Also good is lean protein such as beans, fish, chicken, lean cuts of beef, and some luncheon meats. (All of these score low.)

Eat Fiber
That means whole-grain breads (53), long-grain or brown rice (55), vegetables (most score low), fruit (unsweetened and unjuiced, it's fine).

Snack Smarter
Skip jellybeans (80), Skittles (69), Lifesavers (70) in favor of Peanut M&M's (33), Snickers (55), Twix bars (44) or milk chocolate (34). For salty snacks, pass on the corn chips (72), pretzels (81) and rice cakes (77) in favor of a handful of nuts, another low scorer.

Think Balance
Having a baked potato on the side won't hurt if it's served with a salad and salmon. It's the overall score of your meal that counts.

Source from Reader's Digest

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How to Stay Slim

It is not easy to stay trim and slim as it requires your self-control and discipline. You should bear in mind with some important points highlighted here

1. Avoid nibbling on sweet food like cakes, biscuits, sweets, lollipops, candies and chocolates. If you could not stop from a sweet tooth, then go for carrots, cucumbers or apples instead of sweetened foods.
2. Do not overeat. Prepare and cook only the amount of food you should eat, so that you will not be tempted to finish all the leftovers. Use a smaller-sized plate for a smaller serving purpose. Cut down unnecessary diet which will make you feel parts of your anatomy getting heavier. Do not encourage supper or any meals after 10p.m.
3. Exercise regularly to burn off extra calories. Alternatively, you can do some household chores such as mopping, washing and gardening. Apart from gaining health rewards, your slim waistline could be maintained by doing such consistent activities.
4. Increase food rich in fiber is a wise move to stay slim. Cut down on red meat and eat leaner meat in smaller portions. Avoid inflammatory foods such as trans-fats, deep-fried meals. Adopt diet rich in organic vegetables, fruit and grains.
5. It is advisable to boil, poach or steam food instead of frying. Food high in oil content not only makes you put on weight, but also increase your heart attack risk.
6. Always drink a glass of good water before a meal as it will make you feel full and cause you to consume less food

Remember! Do not eat for habit, but eat only for hunger. Do not overeat because of stress or as an antidote to boredom. Consider food as a source of energy; keep yourself discipline and self-control, if you are serious to make yourself look slim, trim and beauty.
An effective weight loss program requires positive attitude, consistent exercise and a low diet in sugar and fat content but rich in plant proteins, vitamins and fiber.